What's On at The Big Bang and around the Castle Quarter
This November Oxford Castle Quarter are leading the way in Mo-getherness as Oxford’s Centre for Excellence for Movember.
Whether you’re supporting Mo’Maison, having Bangers & Tash at The Big Bang, tapas at La Tashca, or sporting Mo Excellence at The Living Groom, there are a range of discounts and special Movember events taking place all around Oxford Castle Quarter.
There will be a Mo’pening party at the Living Groom at the beginning on November 1st, followed by weekly Mo’gress meetings on Thursday evenings at The Big Bang, and a Gala closing party at Mo’Maison on Thursday 28th, where a major award ceremony will be held for all those who have Mo’d at Oxford Castle Quarter throughout the month, crowning the King and Queen of the Castle.
Mo Sisters can get involved too, with cocktails and meals which all go towards donating money to men’s health.
The Snow Factory
Snow Elves on Red Alert!
With the packing up of Oxford’s only beach at Oxford Castle Quarter this summer, a dark cloud has descended over the city. The result is that Oxford may be left entirely without snow this year. As we all know, the factory that produces Oxford’s snow is run on moonlight; it is the moonlight that gives snow its sparkle.
The Snow Factory has descended into panic and chaos, as a solution to the problem is yet to be found. Whilst the location of Oxford’s Snow Factory has remained a secret for centuries, it has now been revealed to the public in the hope that the people of Oxford will lend their support to the cause and help the Snow Elves to save Christmas. Found atOxford Castle Quarter, the Snow Factory has kept Christmas for Oxfordshire, and the world, since the very first snow.
It has been confirmed that a variety of solutions will be put to the test to ensure that The Snow Factory is still able to produce the highest quality snow: light and projection shows; animations; flambeaux torches; music; stunning Christmas trees and lights.
Ed the Elf, the spokes-elf for The Snow Factory HQ has said, ‘We’re on red alert! This has never happened before. At this stage, I can only reassure the public that we have our best elves on the case and we are working tirelessly to make sure that Oxford has snow this year. But, quite frankly, we need all the help we can get!’
Please show your support by joining the Snow Elves, for free, at ‘The Snow Factory’, Oxford Castle Quarter, from 22nd November until 8th December, 6pm – 10pm. Your city, and Christmas, needs you!
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