Sunday, 3 March 2013

Feeling Chuffed

If I'd had a sausage for everyone who told me I was a burk to open a Sausage & Mash restaurant 9years ago, I'd only be slightly slimmer than if I had a sausage for every time I recognised pity every time I told someone I was moving The Big Bang from the rubble of Jericho to the Oxford Castle Quarter.

Ghost town, they said, chain restaurants, bad reputation, nobody goes there.... well, last night, I can very happily report we had our busiest ever day in 9year - We served 430 people in total. (In simpler terms, that's nine bags of Oxfordshire spuds, the equivalent of a bathtub brimming with sausagemeat (no horse!) and three witches cauldrons full of gravy (regular size cauldron)

I'm not gloating, because I still have no idea whether this move is a sensible one or not, but I'm delighted that my team are rising to the challenge, are able to serve that many people without losing their cool.

What's more, we've had some splendid reviews... we're still not recognised on TripAdvisor as a recommended Oxford eatery, despite already having become Oxford's 100th Favourite Restaurant, in 4 short months. I'd ask that anyone who has a good time here throws a couple of kind words our way, either on TripAdvisor or on something more fabulous and local like Daily Info or Oxford City Guide so we can start to regain some of the nine years of hard work that we'd built up.... or just drop me a line, I'd always be delighted to hear feedback, good or bad.

Anyway, we're enjoying being back, we're looking forward to the warmer months when Bangers & Mash becomes BBQ & Beers and we've got an amazing lineup of Bangers & Live music over the coming months. Thanks for appreciating us I guess

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