Thursday, 7 February 2013

Fun Filled February

After a pretty fabulous January, we're kicking the Oxford Castle Quarter rather hard at the moment to make the most of February - Live jazz each Tuesday, a full menu of Great British dishes, a cider launch with the Rabbit Foot Spasm band, a charity 'build a banger' competition and our regular slew of crewdates on a weekly basis.

We're having fun, enjoying the fact that people are happy to have us back in business in Oxford, back  on form and having more fun than ever - It seems the tricky decision to open within the Castle Quarter was the right one and we're seeing some very happy diners.

We've teamed up with Helen & Douglas House to devise a Build a Banger competition, asking submissions from Sausage Lovers everywhere - What would you like to see in a sausage? If your sausage selection gets chosen, it will be featured on the menu for a full month and £1 from each dish of them sold will go to the charity. Email submissions to me, entitled "Build a Banger".

We've actually decided that any remarkable event from the calendar should have a commemorative sausage created, so if there's an event that you know of, let us know and we can get working on a sausage - This past week has seen Haggis, pork & black pudding, Duck, hoisin & spring onion and Full English breakfast sausages to celebrate special days - Let's keep them exciting!

In addition to those, our menu now boasts Sunday roasts, full English breakfasts, cream teas, Great British classics and also our regular sausage and mash selection. We have oodles of space, so do come, use the WIFI and just hang out until you get peckish, we'd be happy to see you.

This Saturday we have the first of our extra music nights, continuing a theme we've long loved at Sausage HQ - The Rabbit Foot Spasm Band will be performing as they launch their brand new Cider - tickets for £7 (the few that are left!) can be bought from wegottickets and if you require food or a table, you'll need to get in touch with us!

Tuesday jazz continues to be popular, with each Tuesday selling out nicely - We've currently got just a couple of spaces left for Ben Holder on 12th, so if you want to catch him, you'd better be quick.

Nothing else for now, keep well


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