Monday, 22 October 2012

Live Jazz & Bangers & a few too many customers

When I opened The New Big Bang in the Oxford Castle Quarter, I was pretty reassured that not many people would visit us in our opening few weeks, but I admit that I was wrong..... very wrong!

We have fed over 150 mouths every day for the past 2 weeks, 97.9% of them happily - admittedly, a few of them had the wrong sausages, but what can I say? They all look the same when they're cooked, particularly when you're employing brand new catering staff!

I have always said that you can teach a nice person to be a waiter, but try making a coldhearted waiter into a nice person! Much more difficult. So, occasionally, we have made a couple of mistakes, but we've done it with ever such nice people and they've felt truly sorry. Within a week, we'll be On Fire.

We had our first Jazz Night last Tuesday, and will be having them each and every Tuesday, but for now, here's a video that the genius Chris from @OxfordMediaFactory filmed during the evening.

Come and say Hi when you're able and put us in your diary for a Christmas Party (From 20th November) of for Winter Light Night (23rd November) or just drop in when you're next in town - We're literally 20 seconds beyond the West Gate.

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