Thursday, 4 October 2012

Did I ever imagine....?

Surely, I realised when I saw that 300,000 people had been 'reached' through Facebook (whatever that means), that 500 people were already following @BigBangOx on twitter and that the local media was buzzing with news about the re-opening of The Big Bang, that we'd get a few people coming down to see what the fuss was all about.

But when, last night, with four brand new members of staff, with no working oven, no working till system (teething problems!), and no lift to take the food between the kitchen and the restaurant, that we'd have a teensy issue with maintaining our calm.

The Old Bang, now neatly laid to rest!

Needless to say, the loyal Big Bang Sausageers were ever so kind, when we brought them the wrong sausages, 20minutes late, but I have to admit that we had a real humdinger of a night, one which we won't be repeating for a long time.

So, tonight, we have a diary full of bookings, not one, but two working lifts, nicely trained staff, a kitchen heaving with food and eager chefs. We have an oven and we can't wait for the night to start - it's a long weekend ahead and we hope to see you!

Bang On!

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